Soft Defense
April 2007

In a lot of my work I find it necessary to tell a story, and use many symbols to make it a reality. With this piece, it is almost as if there is no real story. With a large, actualized rainbow P Shield I feel that the sculpture's sole purpose is to honor the symbols themselves and their importance to me.

In some of my drawings I enjoy depicting soldiers. With hearts on their helmets and pink guns in their hands, I imagine that they are defending the universe of love. I thought it might be interesting to incorporate this imaginary theme into my body of work. My intentions for this to be a pink soldier work were not carried out.

I never gave Mary Ellen Bloodbeat a helmet or a gun, any badges or swords. She doesn't seem to look like a soldier at all. Perhaps this is because there is nothing to use as ammunition to protect something so delicate. What she is defending is an attitude, a source; something that can only be destroyed by the creators themselves.


   All images and text © 2001 - 2012 Mindy Roth